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About Us

The Mission

To transform how the world provides biblical resources to Deaf communities by revolutionizing communication through markerless motion capture technology, designed exclusively for Deaf individuals and sign language teams.

Our Story

Nearly two decades ago, we realized that traditional Bibles often marginalize Deaf people by presenting God's Word solely in written form, with no signed versions available. For Deaf individuals who rely on sign language as their primary mode of communication, this has created a significant barrier to knowing God. As a result, Deaf communities are now recognized as one of the last unengaged and unreached people groups for Christ.


This led us to ask: Could advanced technology accelerate Bible translation and Scripture engagement? If digital assistants can be programmed through mathematical equations to perform tasks like turning off lights or ordering dinner, surely technology could tackle more complex challenges—like language acquisition. But could innovations like AI and machine learning be used to facilitate sign language acquisition? More importantly, could they be applied to assist in sign language Bible translation?


Bible translation organizations recognized that a signed Bible must differ from traditional written or audio formats to truly resonate with a Deaf audience. However, we faced many challenges, particularly with security concerns. Recording a person’s face on camera could expose them to danger, especially in regions where God's Word is unwelcome. There was also the risk of the signer's identity overshadowing the message, leading to scrutiny or cultural rejection within their community.


The solution became clear: we needed to mask the signer's identity.

As our lead developer, Shawn, often says, “It’s the dreamers who keep things moving forward.” With that spirit, our team continued to dream big, pushing past roadblocks to develop a viable solution.


Today, we are proud to have created software that uses avatars to protect the identity of signers. By leveraging neural networks, Chameleon has made leaps in technology that far exceed what was once thought possible.


What was once unimaginable is now reality—demonstrating that through innovation and faith, God is doing incredible things for His glory.


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